Whiplash happens when you suddenly apply force to your neck while moving your head. When this occurs, your neck muscles contract and stretch very quickly. This causes damage to your soft tissue and nerves, which can cause pain, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and even paralysis. If you suffer from whiplash, you’ll know that the first Continue Reading…
Month: September 2022
Whiplash Symptoms – Are You Suffering From Whiplash?
Whiplash is a term that describes the injury caused by a sudden stop in the neck. It can cause damage to ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves and blood vessels. In some cases it may even lead to permanent damage. However, most people who suffer from whiplash don’t end up with any serious problems. But, if you Continue Reading…
How to Treat Your Whiplash Injury Without Drugs
Whiplash is caused when a sudden movement forces your head backward, forwards, and/or sideways. It can also occur when you fall down and hit the back of your neck on a hard surface. The impact causes your cervical vertebrae to move out of place. In most cases, this will cause pain, stiffness, and tenderness around Continue Reading…
Types of Arthritis
Arthritis is a condition that affects joints and can cause pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of mobility. It can affect any joint in the body but most commonly it occurs in the fingers, wrists, knees, hips, feet, elbows, and shoulders. The main types of arthritis are: • Osteoarthritis: This type of arthritis usually develops after Continue Reading…
Whiplash Treatment: the Best Home Remedy for Whiplash, Neck Pain, and Headaches
Whiplash is often caused when a person moves their head too quickly after it has come into contact with another object. It can also be caused if someone moves their neck from side to side while driving or riding on a motorcycle. If you suffer from whiplash, then you need to take action right away. Continue Reading…
The Best Natural Treatments for Tension Headaches
Tension headaches can be quite debilitating when you suffer from them regularly. They are also very painful and can cause nausea, vomiting, and even dizziness. If you’re experiencing frequent episodes of this type of headache then it’s important that you seek medical advice. But, if you don’t want to go down that route you may Continue Reading…
Sciatica Stretches That Actually Work
Sciatica is a common cause of leg pain, which often affects people after sitting down for long periods of time. In addition to this, it can also lead to pain in the buttocks and lower back. There are many different treatments that can be used to treat sciatic nerve problems. One of the most popular Continue Reading…
Sciatica Pain Treatment – Natural Remedies and Home Treatments
Sciatica pain treatment is essential in order to treat the condition successfully and quickly. There are a lot of natural homeopathic remedies and techniques that can also help you relieve this pain. In fact, some people use it to cure other health conditions such as migraines and arthritis. There are lots of effective ways to Continue Reading…
Sciatica Relief – Your Guide to Pain Relief, Natural Health, and Better Living
A guide that covers the causes of sciatica and provides effective ways to ease back pain naturally. It also offers helpful information on managing sciatica symptoms and finding relief. The tips are based on science but they aren’t complicated, so anyone can follow them. The causes of sciatica tend to vary depending on who you Continue Reading…
Sciatica Pain: What to Do If You Have This Painful Problem
The sciatic nerve is a very important part of our body that helps us walk, stand up straight, lift our legs, etc. It also carries signals from the brain to other parts of the body. There are three main branches of sciatic nerves; two in the lower back and one in each buttock. The sciatic Continue Reading…